Wednesday 13 June 2007

Photography @ " The Brewery "

Here we go then with my first post:

It was a new venue for me last week
photographing " The Mobile Awards" held in London, UK.

These are the Industry Awards for guess what? mobile phones and their various network suppliers, Orange / Vodaphone etc.

Overseeing the event was Omid Djalili

an Iranian stand up comic who seems to pick on anything and everything!
especially photographers working in the audience, we seem to be fair game for any comic!
10 or so Awards in there's an award called "Shop Idol" this is for the best of the best of the shop staff! you know the ones you see behind the shop counters.

A few more awards and the evening moves on.
Soon it's down to the finalist, and the winner of " Shop Idol" is......

Last few shots to do of people having fun in the sponsors areas..........

and back to the PowerBook, burn CD's and away... home by 2:30am!!!!

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