Saturday 23 June 2007

1080 HD

Back to London again this week.

I spent a day this week photographing a " Pushing Investment Frontiers Forum"
........... Snappy title.

It was held @ The Cavendish Conference Centre, just off London's Oxford Street
(go down Oxford Street, turn right in to Regents Street and in to .........The Apple Store...)
More on that later.

........back to the shoot,
it was a questions and answers forum interleaved with guest speakers on various subjects
( you know the the sort of thing........Portable Alpha, Exchange Trade Funds, Hedge Fund Replication, Emerging Market Debt...and more such snappy titles and subjects like these )

The brief was to shoot all the speakers and cover any interactions from the audience to illustrate a magazine article on the forum.

I finished the shoot and then it was down to the Apple Store to play with a new 24" iMac with one of my Lexar JumpDrive Lightning USB sticks in my pocket.
These are fantastically fast, I can play 1080HD video footage from it without any stuttering or frame hanging what so ever.
So, before I went I collected various samples of 1080 HD footage from the likes of Yahoo Movies and Apple to test out the 24" iMac 's screen, which by the way runs @ 1920 by 1200 pixels.

N.B. try the Transformers and Ratatouille trailers in 1080 HD.

All I can say is Wow want one, want one now......but I will wait as the rumours are ripe for a new updated version.
Sample rumours here and here.
Hopefully Apple will add full Blue-Ray / HD support on the new version ?
Hurry up Apple my money is burning hole in pocket !

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