Wednesday 25 July 2007

Having a bad day ?

Spotted this a couple of days ago on the Reuters site...

Think your day is going down hill...
...lucky guys....not so good for Renault Cars though.

full story here

anyone want a second hand 80 to 200mm or 300mm f2.8 ?

Reuters run a very good blog by their editors and photographers it's worth a look here

Saturday 14 July 2007

Space Invaders...

I seem to get more interest from the last post than my photography postings so here's another to keep you busy, a classic ..... Space Invaders

....same as before click the link and not the picture,
to start the game press the " Play " button on the left hand menu....

Thursday 12 July 2007

Waiting for permission.....

While waiting for the clients clearance of photos for my next entry I thought I would add this......

An online Photographers Game, click the link not the above picture
and see how well you do...... zoom the camera's lens for a higher score...

Monday 25 June 2007

What the Duck

I'm now officially a "friend" of "What the Duck"

What an honor.

WTD is an online comic strip by Aaron Johnson ( he classes himself as 40% photographer, 60% Photoshopper ) it's a comment on the life / times / observations of a " Duck " Photographer.

originally a ‘blog filler’ it's hugely popular with photographers all over the web and has great insights into the life of a photographer.

( it also appears in Amateur Photographer Magazine )

My favorites can be found here
Aaron also updates it daily, the latest can be found here

Keep them coming Aaron,

Saturday 23 June 2007

1080 HD

Back to London again this week.

I spent a day this week photographing a " Pushing Investment Frontiers Forum"
........... Snappy title.

It was held @ The Cavendish Conference Centre, just off London's Oxford Street
(go down Oxford Street, turn right in to Regents Street and in to .........The Apple Store...)
More on that later.

........back to the shoot,
it was a questions and answers forum interleaved with guest speakers on various subjects
( you know the the sort of thing........Portable Alpha, Exchange Trade Funds, Hedge Fund Replication, Emerging Market Debt...and more such snappy titles and subjects like these )

The brief was to shoot all the speakers and cover any interactions from the audience to illustrate a magazine article on the forum.

I finished the shoot and then it was down to the Apple Store to play with a new 24" iMac with one of my Lexar JumpDrive Lightning USB sticks in my pocket.
These are fantastically fast, I can play 1080HD video footage from it without any stuttering or frame hanging what so ever.
So, before I went I collected various samples of 1080 HD footage from the likes of Yahoo Movies and Apple to test out the 24" iMac 's screen, which by the way runs @ 1920 by 1200 pixels.

N.B. try the Transformers and Ratatouille trailers in 1080 HD.

All I can say is Wow want one, want one now......but I will wait as the rumours are ripe for a new updated version.
Sample rumours here and here.
Hopefully Apple will add full Blue-Ray / HD support on the new version ?
Hurry up Apple my money is burning hole in pocket !

Friday 15 June 2007

Who's the Weakest Link !

Thursday night is" Curry night "

Well about once every 2 weeks.
It's a good excuse for the boys to put the world to rights....
by the way heads up to Chris....a " The Weakest Link " winner yesterday !
Thursdays Curry was paid for out of his winnings.
Cheers Chris.
I had fully intended my next post to be about this weeks Curry Night with a piccy of my " Chicken Passanda with Spinach and Onion " to illustrate it.
But as hard working photographer balancing work / young family / wife, dashing out the door
( me not my wife ) i completely forgot my digital compact !

Not even my Blackberry has one.

So without pictures to post ( maybe next time ) and it's also on a kind of takeaway theme this caught my eye this week.....

........made me laugh.

a note to ones self ........... always have a camera to hand.


Wednesday 13 June 2007

Photography @ " The Brewery "

Here we go then with my first post:

It was a new venue for me last week
photographing " The Mobile Awards" held in London, UK.

These are the Industry Awards for guess what? mobile phones and their various network suppliers, Orange / Vodaphone etc.

Overseeing the event was Omid Djalili

an Iranian stand up comic who seems to pick on anything and everything!
especially photographers working in the audience, we seem to be fair game for any comic!
10 or so Awards in there's an award called "Shop Idol" this is for the best of the best of the shop staff! you know the ones you see behind the shop counters.

A few more awards and the evening moves on.
Soon it's down to the finalist, and the winner of " Shop Idol" is......

Last few shots to do of people having fun in the sponsors areas..........

and back to the PowerBook, burn CD's and away... home by 2:30am!!!!

Monday 11 June 2007

What’s 250thf8 all about?

Well my name is Simon Hargrave, I'm a professional photographer and I'd like to introduce you to my very first blog @ 250thf8.

This aims to be my personal photoblog where I introduce you to the highs and lows of a location photographer ( and some self promotion as well )
I intend to post pictures ( clients willing ) of my commissioned work with links / postings / ramberlings about Life, Curry night and my own personal highlights of the web.

But first,

Below are some grey step wedges, as a quick calibration guide. For the best monitor setting please adjust your brightness and contrast so that you can distinguish all the single grey tones from one another

If you can see the image and see all the grey steps my first post works.


So here i go....
