Wednesday 25 July 2007

Having a bad day ?

Spotted this a couple of days ago on the Reuters site...

Think your day is going down hill...
...lucky guys....not so good for Renault Cars though.

full story here

anyone want a second hand 80 to 200mm or 300mm f2.8 ?

Reuters run a very good blog by their editors and photographers it's worth a look here

Saturday 14 July 2007

Space Invaders...

I seem to get more interest from the last post than my photography postings so here's another to keep you busy, a classic ..... Space Invaders

....same as before click the link and not the picture,
to start the game press the " Play " button on the left hand menu....

Thursday 12 July 2007

Waiting for permission.....

While waiting for the clients clearance of photos for my next entry I thought I would add this......

An online Photographers Game, click the link not the above picture
and see how well you do...... zoom the camera's lens for a higher score...
